Darian’s 100 Word Challenge – Week Three

There was a white bridge and loads of teenagers were spiting on it and other teenagers were spiting, chewing gum or bubble gum on it and the white bridge wasn’t sure what to do.  So he rumbled every time a teenager came on the white coloured bridge.  He rumbled,  but as he rumbled a little piece would break off it.  Well with a bridge piece breaking off every day, eventually the teenagers found out the more they set foot on the bridge the more it would break then after that day, the teenagers would always break so eventually break.

3 thoughts on “Darian’s 100 Word Challenge – Week Three

  1. Dear kejsedinburgh,

    Great personification, giving a personality to that bridge! I really liked how you made the bridge reject the spitting and chewing gum of teenagers and give it a voice. Made me realize how little respect we give to our land. If only they really could talk, but we probably wouldn’t like what they had to say about us.

    Keep working hard on your writing! Great job!

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